This page communicates the new features in Alida's October 2021 release.
Community and Surveys
Modern survey responding experience
Alida is currently updating the survey responding experience for desktop and mobile participants. Questions in modern view have a more visually appealing look and feel, and in some cases, provide a more intuitive responding experience. In modern view, there is no distinction between the desktop and mobile experience. Mobile, tablet, and desktop participants all see the same question view, which expands or shrinks to fill the device screen.
For the initial release, a limited number of question types and survey elements is available in modern view. More question types and survey elements will be updated and made available as soon as they are ready.
Profile variable testing on survey preview
Survey authors can now test different survey paths based on participants' profile variable values. The updated preview panel allows survey authors to simulate survey logic, masking, or other survey elements that reference profile variables from the participants' perspective.
Filter responses in text analysis
Use survey questions and respondent variables to filter text responses and enhance analysis.
Create teams to manage user access to activities, dashboards, and crosstab reports. Teams enable you to create workgroups and allow users to create and manage activities and reports within their team. Assign specific users the "Can change access settings" permission so they can manage access controls for the teams they belong to.
Customize profile variable display in hubs
Admins can customize the profile variables displayed for members on the Team page and in their display name pop-up in posts and comments. Admins can select whether each profile variable is displayed for Moderators and/or Members, or it remains private.
Post tile content control in hubs
Admins have the ability to hide the "All" collection page, assign a custom collection as the home page, and control who can post to a collection.
Support OpenID for hub SSO authentication
Support for OpenID Connect for single sign-on (SSO) authentication using an identity provider, or other third-party.
A unified solution to send, track, and manage digital rewards to boost customer participation in surveys and online studies.
- Weighting in Datasets and Crosstabs
Define weighting schemes for a dataset, or save weighting schemes that apply to multiple datasets as templates. You can add up to 6 weighting variables to a weighting scheme to adjust your data to match the ideal proportions for your report. Adjust results in a crosstab report to match proportions of groups in reality by creating weighting schemes and templates.
Importing external data into a dataset
Append the contents of a specially formatted CSV file to import third-party data into a dataset. Once appended, the CSV data is treated the same as other data in a dataset and you can create custom fields, crosstabs, and dashboards based on this data.
Team-based Access Controls in Analytics
Configure access settings for dashboards and crosstabs to ensure only certain users can edit or view specific reports. Admins can create the teams your organization needs and assign users to the appropriate teams. Power Users and Authors can manage access settings for the activities they create, or have access to based on their team membership, if they have the Can Change Access Settings permission.
Configurable Text Analytics Dashboard
Create a new customizable Text Analytics Dashboard that displays key phrase indicators, sentiments, and more. Mix and match visualizations to create the perfect Text Analytics dashboard.
This feature has limited availability. If you are interested, please contact your Alida Customer Success Representative for more information.
Set limits on how many complete responses a distribution can collect. Quotas help you manage activity distributions more efficiently by:
- Letting you define targeting parameters at the outset.
- Automatically closing distributions that have reached their quotas.
- Reducing the burden on website visitors and potential participants once a statistically significant, representative sample is reached.
- Prioritizing activities that still need more responses (if multiple activities are distributed on the same website).
Improved website integration experience
The process of integrating a website with Touchpoint is smoother than ever. The new Sites & Integrations page lets you add new sites and manage current sites. The wizard-like workflow for adding a new site provides guidance at every step so that non-developers can do it themselves. Site setup is a one-time process, after which activities can be shared on the website right away.
Multiple Choice Image Question
This new question type allows participants to select one or more responses from several image-based responses.
Event Driven Surveys
Surveys can be sent to customers using the rules engine to trigger specific events or transactions. This way, customers can maximize the value of data, provide exemplary customer experience, and reach out to highly engaged participants.
Create an Event Driven Survey action
Automatically send a survey invitation when a condition is met in the rules engine.
Limit Rule Actions
Surveys sent from the rules engine can be limited, to prevent overburdening the customer.
Create an Event Driven Survey action
Custom Actions
Create actions from APIs and use the rules engine to execute these actions found in external APIs. For example, a gift card can be sent each time a customer meets a condition using a gift card sending API.
Relative Dates
Rules with dates can now be triggered relative to when the rule's condition has been met.
Salesforce Case in the rules engine
When integrating Salesforce Case Management with TXM, the rules engine can now trigger updates to Salesforce Cases.
Mobile App
Mobile App releases occur at a more frequent cadence. For more information, see the Mobile App release notes.
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