When reporting, if you need to determine the members that have answered a study within a specific date and time range, you can use the CompletedDate variable to filter by time frame.
You have a study that has been live for several months, you would like to determine the respondents in a Topline Report for the month of June only.
Detailed Steps
- Navigate to the Reports tab.
- Create a Topline Report, name it accordingly.
- In the setup screen, click the Edit Filter link.
- Double click CompletedDate and to add it to the right-hand pane.
- Click the Include tab, and create a new condition.
- The default condition is ResponseStatus IS Completed. You will need to change the ResponseStatus question to the CompletedDate question.
- The condition will need to be changed to resemble the following:
CompletedDate IS BETWEEN {June 1st 2015 @ 12:00AM to June 30th @ 11:59 PM}
- Click OK.
- Add any additional questions to the study using the Edit Questions link.
- Click View to see the report.
More Information
Please see our Webhelp topics below for more information:
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