Use the Set Value action to group together members based on their answers, and roll up or recode the answers to match existing profile variable values. Then, use the Profile action to update values for that profile variable. This workflow will reduce the time you spend manually manipulating data for a CSV import.
In a survey, you ask members a question about the country in which they currently live. You want to recode their answers so they match the continent values in the Region profile variable, thereby using their responses to update member values for Region.
Detailed Steps
- In your survey, create your question that you would like to group data.
- Create a Set Value action after the question you just created.
- Create a Profile action after the Set Value action.
- Select an existing profile variable found in Community > Profile Variables.
- Hide the Profile action.
- In the Set Value action, create your Action Rules to map the data to the Profile Variable.
- Survey workflow will look similar to:
- Distribute your study to members once completed with authoring.
More Information
Please click on the webhelp links below for more information:
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