You can create an age roll-up recode by manipulating the Date of Birth Question (DOB) from the Profiling Questionnaire. This recode is dynamic, which means that the roll-up will change when a respondent reaches a certain age group.
You would like to author an Age Roll-up with the following age groups based on a DOB question in the Profiling Questionnaire:
- 18 and below
- 19-54
- 55 and above
Detailed Steps
- At the bottom of the Questionnaire tree, click References and Recodes.
- Right-click the study name, and select Add recode.
- Name the recode, and click OK.
- Add the following answers to the recode:
- 18 and below
- 19-54
- 55 and above
- Click the Filter button of the 18 and below option.
- In the Quick Select list, right-click the DOB question, and select Add.
- Click the Include tab.
- Add the condition DOB IS WITHIN PAST 19 Years.
- Click the Filter button of 19-54 option.
- In the Quick Select list, right-click the DOB question, and select Add.
- Click the Include Tab.
- Add the condition DOB IS NOT WITHIN PAST 19 Years AND DOB IS WITHIN PAST 55 Years
- Click the Filter button of 55 and above option.
- In the Quick Select list, right-click the DOB question, and select Add.
- Click the Include Tab.
- Add the condition - DOB IS NOT WITHIN PAST 55 Years.
- Click Save.
- Click Validate, to validate the study and fix any errors.
More Information
Please see our WebHelp article for more information about Create a recode.
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