We aim to support the widest range of popular screen readers possible for modern surveys. However, due to differences in screen readers, certain screen readers may experience issues with some aspects of survey responding. This article documents known issues with specific screen readers.
JAWS and validation messages
If a participant submits an invalid response and clicks Next, a validation message appears that is read by the screen reader, prompting the participant to correct their response. This is the expected behavior and it occurs when using a screen reader like NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) for Chrome.
For participants using JAWS on Chrome or Edge to respond to a modern survey though, the screen reader does not read the validation message when the participant clicks Next. Instead, the focus shifts to the page title and the screen reader reads the title. The participant must then use keyboard navigation to shift focus to the question in order for the validation message to be read. This issue does not occur when using JAWS on Firefox.
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