If you have a "How do I..." question on your mind, you're not alone! Each month, Alida's Tech Support team answers hundreds of such questions.
There's always something to discover no matter how long you've used Alida's products. Check out the latest batch of the most frequently asked questions. Chances are you might learn something new!
December 2024
In this new release, we cover some of the most common reasons why customers contacted Alida
Technical support during the month of December. By sharing them with you, we hope to help you side-step similar issues. For more immediate help, contact support or access the Help Center directly from Alida.
Newsletters Metrics
For the month of December. The Alida Technical Support Team received emails inquiring about open-rate tracking of their newsletters wherein our customers are seeing 0 or low open rates on their newsletters. This behavior is intended since Google has made a recent change to the way tracking pixels are handled in Gmail. Essentially any email using tracking pixels is more likely to be flagged as spam. To ensure customers retain high levels of email deliverability, we're recommending customers disable open-rate tracking as anyone using Gmail as their email provider is at a higher risk of not receiving emails with this enabled. This includes not only recipients with an @gmail address but also corporate accounts such as ours who are using Gmail.
To turn off the open rate tracking on the platform, please click here.
For more information regarding open rate tracking, kindly check our documentations below:
Gmail’s New Open Tracking Changes: What You Need to Know
Open rate tracking
Survey Statistics
Although this inquiry is not asked frequently this is also a good opportunity to provide a refresher regarding survey statistics. Survey Statistics is a report where it shows all the surveys to which members were invited, and provides a detailed statistical breakdown for each survey. It also shows different columns like the survey name, open date, close date, and the person who created the survey.
To learn more about survey statistics, please see the documentation that we have.
View the survey statistics report
Survey Logic
The next one is how to use or incorporate the survey logic into the design of the study. Using the conditions you provide in your survey, you can use Survey Logic to either display or skip a question, a set of questions, or an End Survey action. You may also make distinct sections in your survey for various target groups using survey logic. Additionally, it assists you in directing unneeded individuals away from particular topics or question groupings.
For more information about survey logic, please click here.
Footer Links
Another common inquiry that the technical support team has received is regarding the footer links.
Footer links can be updated on the survey, hubs, and forums. You can edit the footer by adding links and uploading and linking to files. For example, add a link to a technical support contact page, or upload your organization's privacy policy document.
To learn more about footer links on how and where to update it on the platform, please see our available documentation.
Edit the hub footer
Edit the portal, forum, and survey footer links
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