Sharing results back to community members is proven to foster a more engaged and responsive community, increasing the return on investment in hosting a community.
- Works with single/multi choice questions only.
- The Single shareback template only works after the completion point of a survey (cannot share back anywhere before that point).
- The Multi shareback template supports a results screen in between questions, but does not include the current respondent's data in the result calculation.
- Each share back question can have a maximum of 15 items in the answer list.
- This script can only to be used to share back results within the same study. (Cannot reference other studies).
Example 1 - Set up Single instant share back using bar graph.
Here are the steps to set up one share back screen with respondents. Please note this template is set to show bar graph by default. It also marks the respondent as completed, so this setup must be placed at the end of your survey.
Detailed Steps
- Import the necessary template:
- Download the Single Instant Shareback Template here.
- In the Surveys app, click New Project.
- Under Power Survey, click Import.
- Select the PXML template you downloaded, and click Open.
- Give the power survey an internal name.
- Click Upload.
- Add the template to your study:
- Create/author your power survey as required.
- Go to the Questionnaire tab of your study.
- Click Library on the Authoring toolbar.
- In the Library Browser, look for the template study in the Studies section, under Pending Studies (the study you created in step 1).
- Expand the template study in the Library Browser and drag the QP_RESULT_DISPLAY block into your Questionnaire Tree. Move it to just after the last question in your main survey (where the completion point should be).
- Set up the share back page:
- Click on the QP_SET_SOURCE_QNAME script action.
- Replace the word “null” with the name of your share back question: i.e. the question that you have chosen for your share back results graph/text. Do not change anything below the line that says "DO NOT CHANGE SCRIPT BELOW".
For example, if you want to share back the results of Q1, and Q1 is named Q1_Flavour, then replace the word “null” with “Q1_Flavour”. See screenshot below:
- If you want to add a custom completion page after the graph, place the termination point after QP_Custom_Show_Result and remove the JavaScript code from QP_Show_Graph. Please see steps below on how to remove the JavaScript code.
- Your results will be shown on the QP_Show_Graph page. This is the last page respondents will see and they will already be flagged as a Complete when they see the graph.
Edit the text you want respondents to see here. By default, it is "Community members have spoken! Here are the results for members’ mobile device usage!". Do NOT remove the piped-in text below your message.
- In the Questionnaire tree, right-click on QP_Show_Graph.
- Select Edit Scripts.
- Delete the contents under the JavaScript tab.
- Click Save.
Example 2 - Set up Single instant share back using text/percentage only.Here are the steps to setup one share back screen to respondents and display a result page in plain text only.
Detailed Steps
- Follow steps 1 to 3 in example 1 above.
- Hide QP_Show_Graph.
- Unhide QP_Custom_Show_Result. This is hidden by default.
Edit the text:- Customize the text introducing the share back so that it accurately explains the results displayed. The default text says "[PERCENT_OPT1]% of members believe that we are exceeding expectations, etc.”.
- Use [PERCENT_OPT1] to pipe in results with option 1's percentage value. Note that this pipe is different from Power Survey Authoring's default pipe syntax (i.e. no [% %] in this pipe) as this uses custom programming.
- You can include percentage share backs or text based share backs. Delete the percentage or share back text that you don’t want displayed.
- To pipe option X's percentage value, you can use [PERCENT_OPTX].
- To pipe the option text for top X rank, you can use [RANK_X_OPTTEXT]. If an item is tied as the top rank, the script will choose the last response selected.
By default, members will stop on this page. Keep in mind members will already be flagged as Complete when they see the share back results. - If you want to add a custom termination page after the graph, place it after QP_Custom_Show_Result and remove the JavaScript code from QP_Custom_Show_Result . Please see steps below on how to remove the JavaScript code.
- In the Questionnaire tree, right-click on QP_Show_Graph.
- Select Edit Scripts.
- Delete the contents under the JavaScript tab.
- Click Save.
Example 3 - Set up Multiple instant share back as part of your main study.Here are the steps to setup one share back screen to respondents. Please note that this template is set to show bar graph by default.
Note: Setup in this template does NOT mark respondents as complete, so you can place each block anywhere in your survey. The result displayed does NOT include current respondent's response since the calculation can only include respondents who have completed the survey.
Detailed Steps
- Import the necessary template into your panel:
- Download the Multi Instant Shareback Template here.
- On the Home page or Activities page, click New Project.
Result: The Choose Project dialog appears. - In the Activities section, under Power Survey, click Create.
- On the Getting Started page, click Upload from PXML.
- To select the file, click Choose File and open the downloaded template.
- In the Internal name for new study field, enter a name for the survey template.
- Click Upload > OK.
- Click Leave Activity to close the survey.
- Add the template to your study:
- Create/author your power survey as required.
- Go to the Questionnaire tab of your study.
- Click Library on the Authoring toolbar.
- In the Library Browser, look for the template study in the Studies section, under Pending Studies (the study your created in step 1).
- Expand the template study in the Library Browser and drag the QPa_RESULT_DISPLAY block into your Questionnaire Tree. Move it to just after the first question that you want to share back in your main survey.
Drag the QPb_RESULT_DISPLAY block into your Questionnaire Tree and move it to just after the second question that you want to share back in your main survey.
If you want to share back results for a third question, drag the QPc_RESULT_DISPLAY block into your main survey and move it to just after the last question that you want to share back in your main survey. Note: If you only want to share back the results of two questions, don’t drag this block in.
- Set up the share back page:
- Click on QPa_SET_SOURCE_QNAME. Replace the word “null” with the name of your share back question: i.e. the question that you have chosen for your share back results graph/text.
For instance, if you want to share back the results of Q1, and Q1 is named Q1_Flavour, then replace the word “null” with “Q1_Flavour”. Do not change anything below the line that says " DO NOT CHANGE SCRIPT BELOW". See screenshot below: - Click on QPb_SET_SOURCE_QNAME. Replace the word “null” with the name of your share back question: i.e. the question that you have chosen for your share back results graph/text.
For instance, if you want to share back the results of Q2, and Q2 is named Q2_Flavour, then replace the word “null” with “Q2_Flavour”. - If you have a third share back, click on QPc_SET_SOURCE_QNAME. Replace the word “null” with the name of your share back question: i.e. the question that you have chosen for your share back results graph/text.
For instance, if you want to share back the results of Q3, and Q3 is named Q3_Flavour, then replace the word “null” with “Q3_Flavour”. - Your graph results for the first share back question will be shown on the QPa_Show_Graph page.
Your graph results for the second share back question will be shown on the QPb_Show_Graph page.
Your graph results for the third share back question will be shown on the QPc_Show_Graph page. - Edit the end page text you want respondents to see. By default it is "Community members have spoken! Here are the results for members’ mobile device usage!". Do NOT remove the piped-in text below your message.
- If you prefer using text instead of a bar graph, follow the steps in Example 2.
- Please ensure your study has a completion point at the end. This is needed for the quotas to increment so the scripting can tally the totals.
- Click on QPa_SET_SOURCE_QNAME. Replace the word “null” with the name of your share back question: i.e. the question that you have chosen for your share back results graph/text.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can you use this script to share back from ANOTHER survey’s question?
Right now this template won’t support share back from another survey because the quota is counting responses only within the current study. This script is to be used for instant shareback within the same study only.
- How many instant share backs can be included per study? How do you include more than one?
You can have up to 3 as long as you are within the number of recommended quotas (no more than 50 quotas in one survey). You must use the multi template for this.
To include more than one, drag in QPa_RESULT_DISPLAY, QPb_RESULT_DISPLAY, and QPc_RESULT_DISPLAY separately from the library, so that you don’t need to tamper with the naming conventions yourself.
Do NOT duplicate any of these blocks within your study because each sequence needs to have unique naming conventions to work.
- What is the maximum number of question choice options allowed in an instant feedback question?
15 is the maximum.
- Which type of questions does the share back template support?
Multi choice and Single choice questions.
- Is there any difference between Single Instant Shareback Template vs an Individual block in the Multiple Instant Shareback Template?
Yes there is! The setup in the Single version is expected to be placed at the end of the survey. Share back result only includes respondents who have completed the survey. In the single version, there is a complete status action to mark a respondent as completed before the result is displayed and this includes the current respondent response in the result calculation. Setups in the Multi version are expected to be placed in between questions in the survey and doesn't mark a respondent as completed, hence result displayed will exclude current respondent's response.
(Result only includes members who have completed this survey so far.)
- Can I use only one block in the Multiple Instant Shareback Template, and when should I do that?
Yes, you can! If you want to display result from one question, but want to display it in middle of your survey, you can drag in just one block and follow steps in Example 3.
- Does the feedback have to be displayed at the end of a study or can it be inserted anywhere?
The Single version template must be placed at the end since it has a Complete Status Action to mark respondents as complete. The multi version template does not have this action setup, so these blocks technically can be inserted anywhere but the respondent’s results will NOT be included. If you only want one share back, we suggest to use the single version and display feedback at the end of the survey so that current respondent data can be included as well.
- Is it possible to insert images within the graph on the instant shareback page?
No, it will only bring over the file name (not the image).
- Will shareback still work if the question is within a page?
- Can we move the text/labels below the bar graph or tweak the creative of the bar?
No. The layout of the shareback is pre-set to match your community color scheme.
- What if the bar graph doesn’t match my portal creative?
Please contact our Technical Support team.
- Does this work with other languages beside English?
Yes it does! You will need to translate QP_Show_Graph and QP_Custom_Show_Result in the block. You can place dummy text in the page that is not used (hidden).
- I previously setup my study using the Single version template, but now I want to add another one to the same survey. Can I have both blocks from single and multi version in one study?
Yes you can, as long as the single version block is placed at the end of the study, and not to exceed 3 instant feedback in one survey. Keeping in mind that blocks from Multi version do not include current respondent's response in the result calculation.
- What’s new compared to the old script?
- Maximum number of question options in your share back question is now 15 (previously it was 10).
- The question CAN now be placed within a page
- New template automatically picks up your community creative settings, such as skin colour for the bars. Bars now have round corners and better visually.
- It is much easier and faster to add to a survey!
- What if there is a tie for the top ranked item?
To pipe the option text for top X rank, you can use [RANK_X_OPTTEXT]. If an item is tied as the top rank, the script will choose the last response selected.
- I saw a warning ‘some questions may not be able to be viewed on mobile’ when I validate my study. Should I be worried about this warning?
No, the instant shareback setup is viewable on mobile, but we do encourage you to test all activities on desktop and mobile.
See It Visually!
Below is what your Questionnaire Tree should look like for a Single Instant Shareback question at the end of a study:
Below is what your Questionnaire Tree should look like when you have Multiple Instant Share back questions within your study and at the end of your study:
Graph Shareback
- Below is what your editing window should look like for our ice cream survey example for a graph shareback:
- Note that QP_Show_Graph is unhidden, and QP_Custom_Show_Result is hidden.
- Note that the text “Community members have spoken!...” has been updated according to the study with [%QP_GRAPH%] pipe below it.
- The editing window shown above will render the share back screenbelow:
Percentage or Text Based Shareback
- Below is what your editing window should look like for our ice cream survey example for a percentage / text based shareback:
- Note that QP_Show_Graph is hidden, and QP_Custom_Show_Result is unhidden.
- Note that the text “% of members…” has been updated according to the study
- This editing window will render the share back screen below:
- Your results will be shown on the QP_Show_Graph page. This is the last page respondents will see and they will already be flagged as a Complete when they see the graph.
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