This article is intended for a specific subset of customers, who previously used external samples to create new records in Sparq 1 panels. External sample functionality is not available post-upgrade. Instead, you can use Community activity links to trigger record creation.
Note: The PXMLs and steps provided in the methods below are example workflows. If these workflows do not meet with your needs, please contact your Account Representative to discuss any further options available to you.
Detailed Steps
Method #1: Import nonmember data with emails attached
Create the records by using a Community activity link, with Email as an identity profile variable.
- Import the study.
- Download the template here.
- In the Surveys app, click New Project.
- Under Power Survey, click Import.
- Select the PXML template you downloaded, and click Open.
- Give the power survey an internal name.
- Click Upload.
- Create an activity link with email as the identity variable; this will be used to create the records.
- Click Distribute.
- Click New Link.
- In the Create New Link dialog, type an internal name for the link.
- Select a community from the Assign to a Community list.
This step applies only if you have connected communities. - Select the Identity Variable check box.
- From the Identity Variable list, select Email.
- Click Generate Live Link > Generate and copy the live link.
- In the imported power survey, in the Execute script, update the URL with the live link from step 2.
- On the Build page, click Edit.
- In Power Survey Authoring, click the Questionnaire tab.
- Right-click the Text Instruction named Execute and select Edit Scripts.
- Select the Javascript tab.
- Update the URL in the var link line as shown below, with the live link you created in step 2.
Example Live link:[%insert value%]
Corresponding Var Link:
- Validate and publish the power survey.
- In Power Survey Authoring, on the Questionnaire tab, click Validate.
- In the Surveys app, on the Build page, click Publish.
- Create an activity link to trigger the survey.
- In the left-hand menu, click Distribute.
- Click New Link.
- Click Generate Live Link and copy the link.
- Run the survey.
- Use the live link created in Step 5.
- On the first page, enter the list of emails separated by semicolons (;), and click Next.
- To confirm, click Next.
Result: Records are created for the specified emails in the community. Do not close the window. Once the process is completed, a message will be shown.
- Check records with an export to make sure it matches the numbers of emails.
- In the left-hand menu, click Analyze.
- Select Data > Add Questions.
- Select Profile Variables from the drop down and click Next.
- Select email and click Apply.
- Select Export > CSV (Response Data) and download the file once the export completes.
- Sometimes connections break, so some records may not go through. If you have missing counts, do a vlookup to get the subset of emails you want to run again.
- Double check the count matches when you reference the emails in Community and through Sparq1.
- You can now import your data to matching PanelistEmail on Power Surveys.
Method #2: Import nonmember data without emails
Create the records by using anonymous Community activity links.
- Import the study.
- Download the template here.
- On the Home page or Activities List page, click New Project.
- In the Activities section, under Power Survey, click Create.
- Click Upload from PXML.
- Click Choose File, and navigate to the file on your computer.
- Type an internal name and then click Open.
- Give the template study a descriptive Internal Name.
You will need to find this study in your library using the name, so make it as descriptive as possible. - Click Upload > OK.
- Create an activity link that will be used to create the records.
- In the left-hand menu, click Distribute.
- Click New Link.
- Click Generate Live Link > Generate and copy the live link.
- In the imported power survey, in the Redirect, update the URL with the live link you created in step 2.
- On the Build page, click Edit.
- In Power Survey Authoring, click Questionnaire.
- Expand the Quota folder QT_Max.
- Select the Redirect action called Redirect and paste the live link in the Go to Url field.
- Click Save.
- Adjust the quota with the number of records that you need.
- Select the quota check named QT_Max and click Edit.
- Update Target Count and click Save.
- Validate and publish the power survey.
- In Power Survey Authoring, on the Questionnaire tab, click Validate.
- In the Surveys app, on the Build page, click Publish.
- Create an activity link to trigger the survey.
- In the left-hand menu, click Distribute.
- Click New Link.
- Click Generate Live Link and copy the live link.
- Run the survey.
- Use the live link created in step 6 to trigger the study.
Result: The study will trigger the activity link to create anonymous records in the community. Do not close the window. Once the process is completed, a message will be shown.
- Use the live link created in step 6 to trigger the study.
- Check records with an export to make sure the correct number of records were created.
- On the Build page, click Edit.
- Select the Exports tab.
- Select New Export and enter a name.
- Select Edit Questions.
- Search Browse Question Groups.
- Select Studies.
- Type Participation Study.
- Double-click PanelistEamil to add it to the list on the right and select OK.
- Enter a password and select Run Export.
- Export the PanelistEmail variable to match up anonymous records to import.
- You can now import your data to matching PanelistEmail on Power Surveys.
More Information
Please read this WebHelp article to learn more about Export data.
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