When you import translations into a survey, you may get this error message: "Structure of the translations file does not match the survey structure."
This message occurs because there are malformed HTML tags in the translations file. Each set of HTML tags should have a properly formatted opening tag and a closing tag. For example, if you want to bold the word "test," the tagging should look like this:
However, if the tagging looks like any of these examples, an error will occur:
In the translations file, correctly formatted HTML tags in the source language and translation language should look like this:
Follow the steps described below to troubleshoot and identify HTML issues in your translations file.
Detailed Steps
Import one language/translation column at a time by deleting the columns for all the remaining languages.
Once you've identified what language is generating the error, import the translations in batches, (for example, 50 rows at a time).
Once you've identified the batch of translations that is generating the error, inspect the translations from that batch, comparing them with the content in the default language column and making sure the HTML tags in the translations column are an exact match.
Make the appropriate corrections.
Repeat steps 1-4 until you've successfully imported all languages.
Alternatively, you can remove all HTML tags from the file and then manually add rich text to each question/answer in the Translations workspace. Although it may be time consuming, it can also be quicker than reviewing every HTML tag depending on how many rows you have for each language.
More Information
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