You can use the system upload feature to add yourself to a community as a member. Doing this allows you to test more complex workflows, and to ensure that members see and experience exactly what you intend. For example, you can use the test member account to:
- Send emails to yourself and check the appearance of pipes
- Test survey logic that uses profile variables
- Test email links with appended values
Detailed Steps
- Create a CSV file that contains the following columns:
- Firstname
- Lastname
- Community
- Several profile variables (for example, Gender, Age, Region, and so on)
- In the CSV file, add a row below the columns and type the values for your test member account.
- In the Community app, click Community > Member Groups.
- Click System Upload.
- Click Choose File, browse for your CSV file and select it, and click Upload.
More Information
Please click the WebHelp links below for more information:
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