You can create a profile variable to use as a randomization flag, then reference the profile variable when you edit member filters for invitations. By randomizing which members within a large member group will get invited to activities you could help avoid participation fatigue in the long run.
You have a Frequent Shoppers member group and you want to randomize which members within the group get invited to a customer satisfaction survey.
Detailed Steps
- In the Community app, create a new profile variable to use as a flag.
- Click Community > Profile Variables.
- Click +Profile Variable.
- In the Profile Variables dialog, type a Variable Name (for example, "flag").
- Leave Type set to Single Choice.
- Under Variable Values, add as many values as the desired number of randomized groups.
For example, if you want to have 10 randomized groups within the Frequent Shoppers member group, you can add the numbers 1 to 10 as profile variable values. - Click Save.
- Export the member group and its profile variables.
- In the global navigation menu, click Community > Member Groups.
- Click Export.
- On the Export Profile Data page, click New.
- Select the member group you want to export (for example, Frequent Shoppers), and click Export.
- When the export finishes running, download the CSV file.
- Open the CSV file in Excel.
- Randomize the members.
- In the flag profile variable column, paste this Excel function for each member row: =RANDBETWEEN (1,10)
Replace 10 with the highest number/profile variable value you are using. - Save your changes.
- In the flag profile variable column, paste this Excel function for each member row: =RANDBETWEEN (1,10)
- In the Community app, import the edited CSV to update the flag values for the Frequent Shoppers member group.
- Click Community > Member Groups.
- Click Import.
- Click Choose File and choose the edited CSV file.
- Click Upload.
The members of the Frequent Shoppers member group now have flag values.
- Use the flag variable as a condition when you edit the member filter for invitations.
More Information
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