This script is intended to skip a question if a participant does not type anything into a previous Open End question (i.e. the question will only be seen if the participant types something into the Open End question).
Detailed Steps
Adding and setting up the Questions:
- Click on the Questionnaire tab of your survey.
- Create a conditional sequence and drag your question into the condition.
- In the properties of the conditional sequence, choose Script instead of Panel Filter and then click Save. You should now see a text editor area instead of the panel filter options.
Prepare the script in Notepad:
- Open Notepad or a similar text editing tool.
- Copy the script below into Notepad.
- Change OPEN_END_Q to the name of your Open End question.
- Save the completed script in Notepad.
Script Name: How do I skip a question if a previous open end response is blank?
To ensure your script works as expected, always copy the original script from the script library found in the
support portal. Failure to use the most up to date script from the script library may cause unexpected results.
VerbatimQuestion open_end = OPEN_END_Q;
EnterCondition = (open_end.Value!=null);
Insert the completed script into the Script section of your Conditional Sequence:
- Copy the completed script from Notepad.
- Select the conditional sequence in the Questionnaire Tree.
- Paste script into the text area.
- Click Save.
Note: Your open end question must be set to Not Required so that blank responses can be allowed.
More Information
Read this WebHelp article to learn more about Conditional sequences.
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