The editor for answer options on flat questions does not include tools for changing the font size. However, you can change the font size of the text by either modifying the HTML or using the Question Editor within the question area.
You want to increase the font size of an answer.
Detailed Steps
You can change the font size through HTML or the Question Editor under the question area.HTML
- Go to the question and edit the answer option.
- Click the HTML button. The HTML version will open.
- Use the HTML <font> tag to specify the size. For example: <font size=3>Include text here</font>.
- Click Update. The font size should now change.
- Click Save.
Question Editor
- Click into the question area of the question.
- Copy and paste the answer text that you want to change the font size on into the Question Editor.
- Click More Tools..., select Text Tools.
- Select the desired text and change the font size.
- Copy and paste the edited text back into the answer area.
- Click Update.
- Delete the text from the question area.
- Click Save.
More Information
Please click on the webhelp links below for more information:
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