External sites like https://bitly.com or https://tinyURL.com can be used to shorten the links generated in the application. This may be helpful if you are displaying the link on social media or at a trade show where a quick, easy to type link is required.
You are distributing an activity link to participants via SMS where there is a word count limit. You would like to shorten the URL for this distribution.
Detailed Steps
- Go to TinyURL.com
- Paste your activity link into the Enter a long URL to make tiny field.
- Optional: Before clicking Make TinyURL!, type a Custom Alias.
- Enter a value or phrase for your Custom Alias link.
- Click Make TinyURL! to generate a shortened link.
- On the next page, TinyURL will provide you with the original link, the shortened link, and a preview link.
- Copy the shortened link and distribute to your participants.
- Go to Bitly.com.
- On the homepage, paste the link into the Shorten field.
The bit.ly link is generated immediately. - Copy the bit.ly link and distribute to your participants.
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