Republishing a survey will only affect participants if changes have been made to the survey workflow. Changing the workflow affects participants who are incomplete and not actively taking the survey. Participants who are actively taking the survey at the time of the republish will continue on the same path and will not restart the survey.
Detail Steps
There are 2 possible scenarios where the survey requires republishing:
Republishing with workflow change
When there is a workflow change in the survey, participants who are incomplete and not actively taking the survey will restart the survey with their existing answers pre-populated. A workflow change is any modification in the logic of the survey that may break the flow of the questions (for example, changing the filter in a conditional sequence).
A warning will appear upon validation when a workflow change happens:
The study was compiled successfully but changes in the workflow order have been detected. When these changes are published, all respondents with incomplete responses will restart the questionnaire. Their original responses will be retained but they will have to renavigate to the last question they answered. Note: If the respondent is actively taking a survey at the time when the study is published they are not restarted. Only respondents that were incomplete and return later can be restarted.
Republishing without workflow change
If there is no workflow change (for example, updating a question text), participants are not impacted.
More Information
Read this WebHelp article to learn more about Publishing changes in a live power survey.
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