The easiest way to add audio or visual clips to a survey is to create a page that contains a Media-HTML5 question and some follow-up questions. However, if you still feel that a media clip will enhance a choice or grid question type, you can embed a link to the audio or video clip in the question or answer text.
You want input from employees for an upcoming social event within your organization. To make the survey more visually appealing, you want to use animated GIFs to illustrate the options in a single choice question.
To do this, you would embed a link to the animated GIF on the site that hosts the media file in each answer option.
Detailed Steps
- If your media file is proprietary, upload the clip to the Asset Manager write HTML code that links the question to the file in the directory.
Note: Media files must be enabled on your Asset Manager. - If the media file is not proprietary, upload the clip to a third-party site such as YouTube or SoundCloud and embed a link to the file in the question.
Method 1: Add media to a question from the Asset Manager
Note: You should have some knowledge of writing HTML to complete this task.
- Upload the media file to the Asset Manager:
- Encode your media into an HTML5 supported format (for example, MP4).
- In your study, click the Assets tab.
- Upload your media file to the Shared Media Folder.
- Create the HTML code that will point the question/answer text field to the media file in the Asset Manager.
- You can use HTML to create different types of media players. The following examples have been tested and will work.
Video <video id="BikeVideo" style="width:450px;max-width:100%; controls=" "="" autoplay="">
<source src="MediaServer/Shared/docs/media/bikerace.mp4" type="video/mp4">
</video>Audio <audio controls>
<source src="MediaServer/Shared/docs/media/PachelbelCanon.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
</audio> - Insert the code into the question:
- To insert the code into a question, click the Question text field, and paste the HTML.
- To insert the code in an answer, click the Edit icon next to the answer.
- Click HTML and paste the HTML into the text field.
- Update and Save the question.
Method 2: Embed a link to a media on a third-party site
- Upload your media file to a third-party site:
- Encode your media into an HTML5 supported format (for example, MP4).
- Upload the media file to a third-party site such as YouTube or SoundCloud.
- Click Share > Embed.
- Note: The location of the Share button will vary depending on the site that hosts the media file.
- Copy the embed link.
- Insert the link into you question:
- To insert the link in the question text, click the Question text field, click HTML and paste the embed link into the text field.
- To insert the code into an answer, click the Edit icon next to the answer.
Click HTML and paste the embed link into the text field.
- To insert the link in the question text, click the Question text field, click HTML and paste the embed link into the text field.
- Update and Save the question.
You may need to refresh the page to update the question. To preview the question, validate your study and click Quick Test > Test survey.
More Information
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